View Profile SituationSober

SituationSober's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 479 (From 84 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 7,420 Points

New York Shark

Medals Earned: 7/17 (210/480 points)

King Kong 10 Points

Killing King Kong

Asteroid 25 Points

Crushing the Asteroid

Coast Bomber 25 Points

Crushing the Coast Bomber

Hindenburg 25 Points

Crushing the Hindenburg Zeppelin

Tram 25 Points

Crushing the tram

Containers 50 Points

Crushing 65 Containers

Navy 50 Points

Eating 15 Navy Soldiers

Balloon 10 Points

Crushing the balloon

Air Racer 25 Points

Crushing the Air Racer

Baseballs 25 Points

Catching 10 Baseballs

Coast Guard 25 Points

Crushin the Coast Guard Jet

Osama 25 Points

Killing Osama Bin Laden

Spiderman 25 Points

Killing Spiderman

Trump Jet 25 Points

Crushing Donald Trump's Jet

Cows 50 Points

Killing 28 Cows

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Newgrounds Rumble

Medals Earned: 1/13 (5/320 points)

Hoarder Patrol 5 Points

Snag the first three powerups in a match before anyone else has a chance to.

People Pancakes 5 Points

Lure two or more opponents into the trash compactor during any battle in the Scrapyard.

C-C-Combo Breaker 10 Points

Parry three times in one jump.

Wile E. Ways 10 Points

Knock an opponent out of the ring three times in one match.

C-C-Combo Maker 25 Points

Deliver at least 80 damage in one aerial combo.

Diplomatically Challenged 25 Points

Complete all 12 challenges in Challenge Mode.

Meat Shield 25 Points

Trick an opponent into killing one of their own teammates with a projectile.

Survival Horror 25 Points

Survive at least 5 opponents in Survival Mode on OMFG difficulty.

Wall Street Brawler 25 Points

Bank over 5000 Grounds Gold.

The Eventuallyending Story 50 Points

Complete all 12 stories in Story Mode.

Transgressive Compulsive 100 Points

Earn 100% Game Completion.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 2/4 (30/130 points)

Start 5 Points

Kill the first boss.

Halfway 25 Points

Defeat the first 5 bosses.

Finish 50 Points

Defeat all 10 bosses.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Pico's School Reunion

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/215 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Not The Sharpest 50 Points

Unlock Darnell from his entrapment.

The Good Doctor 50 Points

Help Nene fix her leg.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 3/5 (30/60 points)

Good poo 10 Points

Get 50 points.

Great poo 10 Points

Get 100 points.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Amazing poo 25 Points

Get 150 points.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Pork Must Arrive

Medals Earned: 2/19 (10/500 points)

Standard Axe 5 Points

Kill 50 enemies

The Beggar 5 Points

Collect 50 coin bags

Bronze Statue 5 Points

Beat 10 waves in game

Bronze Axe 10 Points

Kill 150 enemies

Golden Statue 10 Points

Beat 30 waves in game

Silver Axe 10 Points

Kill 300 enemies

Silver Statue 10 Points

Beat 20 waves in game

The King 10 Points

Collect 1000 coin bags

The Noble 10 Points

Collect 500 coin bags

Berserker 25 Points

Summon Gnome 50 Times

Bloody Orc 25 Points

Use Dwarf's Axe 500 Times

Golden Axe 25 Points

Kill 500 enemies

Platinum Axe 25 Points

Kill 1000 enemies

Platinum Statue 25 Points

Beat 40 waves in game

The Chief 25 Points

Summon Goblin Tank 50 Times

Tombstone 25 Points

Summon Fairies 50 Times

Porky 50 Points

Win the game!

One Man Standing 100 Points

Win the game without enemy going in to the Goblin's base!

The Real Challenge 100 Points

Win the game without continue or game over!

Prehistoric Shark

Medals Earned: 4/18 (50/275 points)

Swimming Birds 5 Points

Kill 17 swimming birds!

Flying Birds 10 Points

Kill 40 flying birds!

Spiders 10 Points

Kill 6 giant spiders!

Plesio Limbs 25 Points

Cut off 25 plesiosaur limbs!

Rafts 5 Points

Destroy 75 rafts!

Cavemen 10 Points

Kill 200 Cavemen!

Crocodiles Limbs 10 Points

Cut off 80 crocodiles limbs!

Eggs 10 Points

Crush 12 dinosaur eggs!

Fishes 10 Points

Kill 500 fishes!

Hippos 10 Points

Kill 12 hippos!

Running Birds 10 Points

Kill 35 running birds!

Shells 10 Points

Crush 100 shells!

Dragonfly 25 Points

Kill the dragonfly in under 5 seconds!

First Flying Reptile 25 Points

Kill the first flying reptile in under 5 seconds!

Giant Turtle 25 Points

Kill the giant turtle in under 30 seconds!

Second Flying Reptile 25 Points

Kill the second flying reptile in under 5 seconds!

Third Flying Reptile 25 Points

Kill the third flying reptile in under 5 seconds!

Trees 25 Points

Crush 10 giant trees!

Push Me

Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/35 points)

PFirst PFerfect 5 Points

You got your first perfect level score.

PFifteen PFerfects 5 Points

You've got 15 Perfect Scores!

PFinished! 25 Points

You've beaten Push Me! Congrats!

Revenge of dog

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/85 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

China 5 Points

Find another country.

Savage instinct 5 Points

Are you not hungry ?

Hero 10 Points

Save your master.

Revenge 10 Points

Find the revenge ending.

Sheep 10 Points

Find new friends.

Herdsman 25 Points

Find a new Family.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Sandwich VS Bagel

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/230 points)

Die 5 Points


Kill. 25 Points

Kill the bagel king on normal mode.

Insane. 50 Points

Kill the bagel king on insane mode.

Like a boss 50 Points

Killed the bagel king without losing any health on normal mode.

Insanity 100 Points

Killed the bagel king without losing any health on insane mode.